The Bomu Bomu fruit allows the user to detonate parts of their own body, including emissions such as mucus and hair, at will. The power of the explosions can range from that of a fire cracker to being capable of levelling buildings.
Name: Breeze Breath Bomb
Description: The user can turn their breath into invisible bombs. Can be done via breathing into the chamber of revolver pistol or a similar type of weapon.
Abilities: Size varies depending on what weapon is used, as does the explosion. Capable of blowing through solid walls if shot from a cannon, if shot from a smaller weapon does minor burning damage.
Usage: 1 post duration, 1 post CD
Name: Body Part Detonation
Description: User can detonate any part of their body at will, even things such as there hair, spit etc.
Abilities: The power of the explosions depends mostly on what body part is being exploded. For example if the entire leg is exploded then it would have the strength capable of destroying concrete walls.
Usage: 1 post duration, 2 post CD
Name: Full Body Detonation
Description: The user detonates their entire body at once.
Abilities: The explosion has a radius of 25 meters and is capable of completely destroying most things around it. The strength of the explosion is able to level stone buildings and cause heavy damage to thick metal walls. The user can delay the technique for one post in order to add 10 meters to the radius, able to do this up to a maximum of 50 meters.
Usage: 1 post duration, 6 post CD
Name: Spit Cannon
Description: The user detonates their spit/saliva.
Abilities: Not exactly a strong technique, the explosive power of this is enough to create small dents in metal walls, and also can take a chunk out of most stone walls. The size of the explosion isn't that big, only being a meter or so.
Usage: 1 post duration, 1 post CD
Name: Propulsion
Description: The user detonates a part of their body to propulse them along.
Abilities: By detonating their feet, elbows, back etcetera the user can jump higher, punch faster among other things. Increase to things such as punching and kicking speed is 50. The jumping height of the user can be increased to that of 50 meters.
Usage: 2 post duration max, 4 post CD.